Part 1: Hometown Zero

Nov 11, 2012    John Weber    Faith, Doubt, Mark 6:1-6, Genesis 3:1-5, Hebrews 11:6

What does it take to amaze Jesus?
All throughout the Gospels we read how time and time again Jesus AMAZED those around Him. However, we also find twice in scripture where Jesus Himself was also AMAZED by those around Him. One time because of an amazing lack of faith, and another time upon meeting a man of incredible faith. So, the question we might ask ourselves is when Jesus considers our faith, how is He amazed?
During this series we’ll explore the characteristics of a faith that amazes Jesus and how we can grow past the doubts many of us commonly struggle with. Together, we’ll learn to walk in a faith that pleases God (Hebrews 11:6).