Part 1: While You Wait

Nov 3, 2019    Brian Stanley    Waiting, Patience, Shaping who you are, Seasons of Life, Waiting on the Lord, Hebrews 10:23, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Psalm 9:10, Habakkuk 2:1-3, Isaiah 49:23, Psalm 25:3, Isaiah 40:31

Especially when it really counts. When you have prayed and waited, and then prayed and waited some more. During our seasons of waiting it's not hard to find ourselves struggling with doubt, disappointment, or discouragement. We begin to wonder where God is and what He has against us. But what if we were to look at our times of waiting in a new light? What if during these long droughts of answers, God has something more in mind? What if our waiting was intended to be times of growth, strengthening, and faith-building? What if the by-product of waiting well - was actually of greater value than the answer we are seeking? Join us this series as we learn what it means to wait well.