pre-register your child for a visit

C.R.E.W. Pre-Registration Form

Welcome to our Lifehouse and our kids ministry.  We're glad you're here. Our team would love to serve your family and help your first visit to the C.R.E.W. an easy and painless process. To get started, please provide the following information:
* All form information is secure and will not be shared with any 3rd parties.

Registration Agreement

Please Note: By registering your child, you a) grant permission for agents of Lifehouse Community Church to seek and secure any needed medical attention or treatment for the child(ren) named above, b) release Lifehouse Community Church its staff and volunteers, of responsibility for any accidental injury, c) grant authority to the Lifehouse Community Church leadership for the non-physical discipline of the above named children, and d) give Lifehouse Community Church permission to use photos, videos, and audio captured by our staff and volunteers that may include your child, for use by Lifehouse Community Church.

Additional Children (up to 3 more) may be registered with same form below: