Part 3: Bosses N' Big Mouths

Mar 17, 2019    Brian Stanley    Serve, Isaiah 55:8-9, Luke 9:46-48, Matthew 20:20-28, Luke 22:24-27, Philippians 2:3, Romans 12:16, Philippians 2:6-7, Luke 14:7-11, 1 Peter 5:2-6, 1 Peter 5:8

We all have met others who think an awful lot of themselves (though, that is never true of us right??). Of course, we all struggle with what it means to walk in true humility. Pride itself is a tricky thing. Pride is a characteristic we somehow are able to easily see in others, but are often times unable to see clearly in ourselves. Just as in every other area we find ourselves struggling, Jesus offers us the hope and help for which we are looking. In this message, we'll examine what Jesus had to say about our perspective on others, and how changing the way we leverage our positions and power can bring us what we desire most.