Born to You: The Joy of Christmas

Born to You: The Joy of Christmas

The angel’s words to the shepherds in Luke 2:11, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord,” are some of the most personal and transformative words in Scripture. They remind us that Jesus’ birth isn’t just a historical event; it’s personal. It’s for you, and it's for me.

This announcement ignites a joy that transcends circumstances, possessions, or fleeting happiness. As we’ve seen in Zephaniah 3, the promise of God’s presence brought joy to generations before Christ’s birth. In Luke 1, we see that joy leap—literally—in Elizabeth’s womb at the very presence of Jesus. And in John 15:11, Jesus promises us a joy that overflows and remains.

But this joy doesn’t stop with us. Like the shepherds who couldn’t keep the news to themselves, we’re called to share the joy of Christ with others. Joy multiplies when it’s shared. This week, look for opportunities to spread joy through acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or simply by telling someone about the hope you’ve found in Jesus.

This Christmas, let’s remember that joy isn’t something we chase; it’s someone we embrace. Jesus was born to bring us eternal joy. Let’s live in that joy and share it with the world.

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