The Gospel Changes Everything

The Gospel Changes Everything

This Sunday, we began our journey through Romans, Paul's powerful letter to the early church in Rome. Romans has transformed countless lives, including St. Augustine and Martin Luther, and it continues to challenge and change us today.

Paul begins by introducing himself as a "slave of Christ," setting the tone for a gospel-centered life. He declares that the gospel isn't about us—it’s about Jesus. It’s not a set of instructions but an announcement of what God has done through His Son. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus invites us to faith that transforms.

Romans also highlights unity in the church. Paul’s lengthy greetings in chapter 16 aren’t just social niceties; they’re a call to embrace each other as family. This unity reflects the gospel's power to break down barriers and create a community grounded in love and grace.

As we continue this series, my hope is that we allow Romans to challenge us. Let’s embrace the gospel fully, living it out in faith, obedience, and unity. The transformation Paul describes isn't just personal—it’s for the entire church.

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