When Judgment Comes for Us Too

When Judgment Comes for Us Too

We love justice—when it’s served to others. We get frustrated when people “get away” with things. We see corruption and demand accountability. But when the light of judgment turns toward us, it’s a different story.

Paul’s words in Romans 2:1-16 are a sobering wake-up call. He warns against the hypocrisy of judging others while excusing ourselves. We tend to think of sin as something “those people” do—yet Paul levels the playing field. No one escapes God’s righteous judgment.

Like Nathan confronting David in 2 Samuel 12, Paul essentially declares, “You are that man.” It’s a painful realization that our self-righteousness can blind us to our own failures.

This passage forces us to ask: Do we see sin more clearly in others than in ourselves? Do we mistake God’s patience for approval? Paul reminds us that God’s kindness is meant to lead us to repentance (Romans 2:4). Judgment is coming—but grace is still available.

The good news? Jesus took our judgment upon Himself so we could be forgiven. But we must respond with genuine repentance, not religious arrogance.

Instead of condemning others, let’s allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts. Let’s be people who don’t just hear God’s Word but live it out. And let’s be grateful that, though judgment is real, so is God’s mercy.

Which will you choose?

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