When the Judge Paid the Fine

When the Judge Paid the Fine

One of the clearest moments in the gospel story comes not just in Christ’s death, but in what that death means. This past Sunday, we walked through Romans 3:21–31, what many scholars call the very heart of the Bible. It’s here that Paul makes the bold claim that God’s righteousness has been revealed—not through law-keeping, but through grace.

I shared a *probably* true story from the 1930s, where Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, acting as a night court judge, fined an elderly woman for stealing bread—but then paid the fine himself. It’s a touching story of compassion and justice, but it also paints a picture of what God has done for us. We stood guilty. The law was clear. The penalty was due. But instead of judgment, God stepped in through Christ and paid the penalty Himself.

That’s what justification means. We’re not “made righteous” through our efforts, but “declared righteous” because of Christ’s work. Our part? To believe—to trust that His finished work is enough.

We also unpacked words like “propitiation” and “imputation.” These aren’t just theology class vocabulary. They help us see that Christ satisfied the just wrath of God (propitiation) and credited us with His own righteousness (imputation). It’s more than forgiveness—it’s acceptance, status, and freedom.

If you’ve ever wondered whether you’ve done enough to earn God’s love, the answer is simple: you haven’t. But Christ has. That’s why our only boast is in Him.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Brian

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